Now, if you've never been to Langford you might not think anything of this but just to give you some context: The house immediately next to my condo never has any less than 2 vehicles in front of it with their hoods up. They also usually have people camping in their backyard. They are always drinking beer. Last week a man stopped me to ask me what day it was. Ah yes, "Golden In Setting, Determined in Spirit" indeed. Ok, I'm reaching but I really didn't do much today. And I easily could have put up an old photo that was good and said it was stuff I saw today but this way you know I'm not lying. I really did almost nothing all day. What I DID do was make vegan corndogs. They were delicious. Here is a photo of one although I think it technically should go on my "stuff I made today blog" or my "stuff I ate today blog" neither of which exist so you're just going to have to deal with it.
Hey, if nothing else you have to give me some props for my sweet mustard writing skills. That is to say my skills are sweet, not the mustard. I'll be guest blogging my corn dog making adventures for Granville Mag so stay tuned if you want to learn how to make 'em and be cool like me. I promise I'll see something really awesome soon and snap a picture of it and you will be like "! I'm glad I check this blog regularly! Kristy wasn't lying, this is really great!"
I personally enjoy checking this blog at least 5 times a day. also, home-made vegan corn-dogs equals amazing.